Gerard Davis


Donut Drop screenshot

Donut Drop

Donut Drop is a classic match 3 game built primarily with vanilla JavaScript. It's a time-limited game featuring functions to click, drag and swap donuts, prohibit invalid moves (Swaps can only be made with up, down, left, and right adjacent donuts and must create a match of 3 or more), log and announce high scores, start new games with a randomized board, and display possible valid moves using a hint button.

Languages: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript

Officelite screenshot


Officelite is a landing page for a coming product launch. It was built primarily with SCSS. I really wanted to focus on nesting and a solid responsive layout here; it does include JavaScript functionality for a countdown timer and a custom select menu on the product's sign-up page.

Languages: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript screenshot is an in progress website created to showcase custom content for the open-source rhythm game, StepMania. This single-page website features interactive cards for each downloadable song in the Song List menu.

(Note: This site is still a work in progress and can be a little buggy on Chromium browsers. It runs best when hardware acceleration is disabled.)

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Loopstudios screenshot

Loopstudios Landing Page

This responsive landing page has 3 layouts for mobile, tablet, and desktop displays. It utilizes a combination of grids and flex layouts, plus some CSS animations.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tetris the Cat screenshot

Tetris the Cat

This page was a quick exercise for myself in utilizing grid layouts, CSS animations, and expanding, scrollable divs. I was pleased with how it was turning out, so I turned it into a little profile for my big cat, Tetris.

I used keyframes and grid positions to make animated textboxes that 'expand' when hovered over, and a quick JavaScript function to prevent the animations from firing on the initial page load. I love the way these animations work, and I'm hoping to incoporate it in a larger scale project down the road.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Github Repo Gallery screenshot

Github Repo Gallery

This page uses JavaScript and API's to show a live, searchable gallery of my Github repos.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Guess The Word screenshot

Guess The Word

A Guess The Word game built with JavaScript and API's.

Languages used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript